Look up groundwater and well data - Wisconsin DNR
Local well testing data can be viewed using the Wisconsin Well Water Quality Viewer [exit DNR]. Well construction information, including geology, construction method, well depth, water depth, well yield and other information about the well can be found using the search link below.
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map of Polk County, Wisconsin
In Polk County, the water cycle generally operates with approximately 28 inches of precipitation during an average year, from which about 71 percent (approximately 20 inches) returns to the …
Welcome to Polk County, WI
The depth at which the unsaturated soil zone meets the saturated zone is called the water table. In Polk County the water table can be a few feet below the surface in some locations and over 100 feet in other locations.
Welcome to Polk County, WI
Individual Lake District maps are available online (County Maps, Water Management District Maps). Polk County also maintains mailing labels for Lake Districts which are updated weekly and available as an excel file called "Special Districts Tax Roll Extraction File."
Land & Water Resources - Polk County, Wisconsin
The Polk County Land and Water Resources Department (LWRD) provides guidance to landowners, farmers, citizens, lake and river organizations, and schools regarding land conservation practices, soil and water resource management, …
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map of Polk County, Wisconsin
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map of Polk County, Wisconsin Frac Sand; Groundwater; Data and Resources
USGS Groundwater for Wisconsin: Water Levels
Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. * Save compressed files with a .gz file extension.
Wisconsin Lakes
Division of Water Bureau of Water Quality. Lake Maps > Polk County Wisconsin Lake Maps ... Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | 101 S. Webster Street . PO Box 7921 | Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921 Call 1-888-936-7463 (TTY Access via relay - 711) from 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Groundwater levels and aquifer response | | Wisconsin DNR
The upper surface of groundwater, referred to as the water table, can fluctuate in response to precipitation events and water withdrawals. During times of drought, local water tables can decline due to decreased recharge and increased water use (e.g. watering lawns, irrigating farm fields, municipal water supply).
Polk County - USGS
When released, this summary will show the percentage of the Polk County population whose drinking water comes from private wells versus municipal systems. 7 of 12 municipal water systems in Polk County have a wellhead protection plan: Amery, Clear Lake, Dresser, Frederic, Luck, Milltown and Osceola. B1.