EP014 - Electric Shock Showdown - Bulbapedia
Nurse Joy offers Ash a Thunderstone, which is required for a Pikachu to evolve. As a Raichu, Pikachu would have a better chance of defeating Lt. Surge's Raichu, but if it evolves, it can never go back to being a Pikachu.
EP023 - The Tower of Terror - Bulbapedia
Feb 4, 2025 · Brock reaches towards Ash's hand, but mistakenly grabs Pikachu's tail and is shocked with Thunder Shock. Ash attempts to alleviate everyone's fears, but his skull mask only angers everyone, and Pikachu intentionally shocks him.
Why Ash from Pokémon Isn't Dead Yet - Kotaku
Feb 27, 2015 · On last night's episode of Pokémon XY, Ash Ketchum was electrocuted by Pikachu's 100,000 volts. He should be dead, right? Not exactly. [Photo via Story_terror] Just look at how Ash...
The Tower of Terror | Pokémon Wiki | Fandom
When Pikachu shocks Ash in the beginning, Ash's Japanese voice is heard. When Misty was trying to wake up Ash, the chandelier that was on top of him and Pikachu is gone. Ash's Poké Ball is miscolored when it hits Jessie's face. After Haunter scared Misty and Brock, Ash's bag has its colors swapped.
The 15 Saddest Moments In the Pokémon Anime - Ranker
Jul 3, 2024 · Ash leaves the Pokeball by Pikachu's side and taunts the Spearows so they attack him instead of Pikachu. Pikachu then uses his last bit of energy to shock the Spearows away, and the pair wake up the next morning, barely alive.
Everytime Pikachu woke up Ash with Thunderbolt Compilation
Everytime Pikachu wakes up Ash with Thunderbolt but guess what Ash is immuned to any type of move exist. #pokemon #Pikachu#ashpikachu#anipoke #anipokezone#th...
Pokémon S1 E14 Electric Shock Showdown - TV Tropes
After losing to Surge and hearing his harsh advice of evolving Pokémon as soon you can, Ash contemplates evolving Pikachu using a Thunderstone. What will he decide? Will he earn his Thunder Badge after all?
Pikachu Shocks Ash? | Serebii.net Forums
Feb 21, 2010 · As for Pikachu's electrocuting Ash, probably overshadowed by the above. Pikachu has to shock Ash in Destiny Deoxys. Although it doesn't necessarily have Pikachu shocking Ash, The Electrike Company had the most moments in which Ash gets shocked.
[Pokemon] When Pikachu gives an electric shock to Ash, what ... - Reddit
Jul 18, 2020 · Luck, mostly at first. Thundershock only has a 10% chance of causing paralysis. And Ash was getting most of his shocks at the beginning of the series. Also even if one of pikachu's electric shocks were to stop Ash's heart, a second bolt could always restart it.
Was Pikachu trying to start Ash's heart in Mewtwo Strikes Back?
Nov 3, 2022 · After Ash steps between a beam clash between Mew and Mewtwo in the first movie, he turns to stone(maybe dies). After this happens, Pikachu tries shaking him awake for awhile before proceeding to try shocking him.
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