POWDER MILL WRECKED | Three Men Killed When the Powder …
Platteville, Wis., Feb. M.— The Platteville Powder mills were wrecked by an explosion this afternoon, killing three men and badly injuring another. The dead are: Thomas Bass, William Rottiger and Fred Genthe. H. S. Beck, a machinist of Bethlehem, was badly hurt.
True Republican, 28 February 1900 — A CHAPTER OF HORRORS
—A Sentinel special from Platteville , Wis ., says : The Platteville powder mills were wrecked by an explosion Saturday afternoon , killing three men and badly injuring another . The dead are : Thomas Buss , William Kottiger and Fred Genthe .
History of Platteville Grant County, Wisconsin - Genealogy Trails
They visited Platteville, and after examining the advantages of a position with a view to that end, decided to locate a powder-mill. After some negotiation, the property formerly known as "Griffith's saw-mill," on the Little Platte, about one and a half miles northwest of the present city, was purchased as a site, upon which buildings were ...
(Powder Mill Explosions in Platteville - History of Grant County, Wisconsin, Holford, 1900.) -In February of 1848, John Rountree deeds the land to the German Presbyterian Church for use as a
The old powder mills of Platteville, Wisconsin: 1967 - Catalog
Search the physical and online collections at UW-Madison, UW System libraries, and the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Powder Mill - 1 - Newspapers.com™
Clipping found in Platteville Witness published in Platteville, Wisconsin on 7/5/1916. Powder Mill - 1
View at Powder Mill Platteville, Wisconsin WI Original Antique …
Jan 1, 2021 · Shop View at Powder Mill Platteville, Wisconsin WI Original Antique Postcard and more music, movie, and TV memorabilia at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store.
Benton Wisconsin History | Powder Mill Explodes in Platteville,
Powder Mill Explodes in Platteville, Shock rattles windows and woke people in Benton Benton Mining Times 1897
Stuff For Sale In Cross Plains, WI | Powder Mill ruins ... - Facebook
Powder Mill ruins painting located just outside of Platteville,WI. Dimensions:24”x19”
Go Pioneers! (New Platteville, WI Powder Mill) - Cast Boolits
Sep 8, 2014 · (New Platteville, WI Powder Mill) I was glancing through a history of Laflin & Rand on Cast Pics, and saw that L&R had bought a powder mill in WI. Intrigued, I rooted about, and found a short write-up
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