Rusk County Historical Society Museum – Rusk County, WI
Use our library of Research materials to locate a grave, or an obituary, find relatives, or Veterans Information an old High School Annual or Plat Book and much much more.
Little Red Schoolhouse & Teacher’s Cabin – Rusk County …
The Little Red School House conjures up the world of Little House on the Prairie. It was built about 1900 and was originally located north of Glen Flora, operating until 1919, when the much larger school building was built inside the Glen Flora city limits.
History of Rusk County, Wisconsin - Wisconsin Historical Society
This history of Rusk County, Wisconsin, a master of arts thesis prepared by Katharine Woodrow Dresden, covers the history of the county in the first third of the 20th century. The growth of the county and development of its industries, railroads, roads, schools, churches, civic and social organizations, newspapers, and agriculture are discussed ...
Rusk County WI School Records - LDS Genealogy
School records were created by schools, colleges, or universities. They may include lists of students, yearbooks, school censuses, school histories, or other records. Yearbooks may contain photographs of individuals attending the school and information about the school activities they were involved in.ᅠ
Henry Golat Building – Rusk County Historical Society Museum
After the acquisition of the Little Red School House, it was clear that many buildings would eventually be added to the Rusk County Historical Societies’ grounds. The first building that you enter is the Henry Golat Building.
Rusk County, WI Schools - RootsWeb
Ladysmith High School Gymnasium - This building was located on the north side of the old Ladysmith high School. This is currently (2002) the Ladysmith Middle School Gymnasium. St. Mary's School c1914.
Rusk County Historical Society Museum - RootsWeb
Welcome to the Little Red School House. The schoolhouse was built about 1900. It was located in Section 7 of the Township of True, about three miles north of Glen Flora. The school was in operation until 1919 when the new central school was opened. "Little Red" was used for a home, garage, and storage building.
Rusk County, WI Towns - WIGenWeb
Rusk County, WI Towns. Click on the photos to view larger images. Hit back button on browser to return to this page. Conrath-Stump Puller. Exeland-School. Exeland-Main Street. Glen Flora-New and Old Schools c1925. Hawkins-Hotel Rusk. Ingram-Main Street. Rusk County Wisconsin Home Page
Old Ladysmith Elementary School - Rusk County Wisconsin
Official vacation information source for Rusk County, Wisconsin. trails, rivers, fishing, lodging, restaurants, shopping, outdoor reports & more.
Rusk County Schools - Rusk County, WI
Rusk County Resource Guide; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Apply online; Fight The Bite; Immunizations; Lead Poisoning & Prevention; Communicable Disease; MCH (Maternal and Child Health) Public Health Preparedness; Rusk County Activity Calendar; Dental and Oral Health; Recycling; Trails End Camp; Veteran's Services; Government. Agendas ...