Immaculate Conception Church Catholic
We are the Catholic community of Immaculate Conception Church in Mattoon, Illinois, formed by the Holy Spirit, whom God has called together through baptism.
Bulletin - Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church. Navigation. Home; Parish Staff; Ministries; Schedule; Give; Lenten Materials; Bulletin ... Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-0539. Quick Links. Knights of Columbus Bingo Beauty Series Hearing Loop ... Catholic Church Near Me Mass Times;
Parish Staff - Immaculate Conception Church
Mattoon IL 61938 . Gene Uptmor Deacon [email protected] (217) 235-2189. Kim Coffey Administrative Assistant [email protected] (217) 235-0539. Carla Will Director of Christian Formation [email protected] (217) 235-0431. ... Catholic Church Near Me Mass Times;
Ministries - Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church. Navigation. Home; Parish Staff; Ministries; Schedule; Give; Lenten Materials; ... Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-0539. Quick Links. Knights of Columbus Bingo Beauty Series Hearing Loop St. Mary House Newsletter. ...
educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. If you wish to nominate someone who meets this criteria, please write her name in the box below and drop it in the collection basket, phone it in at 235-0539 or email it to [email protected] to the attention of our parish secretary, Kim Coffey.
bulletin - Immaculate Conception Church
Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 8:00AM & 10:30AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00AM Tuesday & Thursday 5:30PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30pm - 3:30pm and 30 minutes before each daily mass
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Mattoon, Illinois ST. COLUMCILLE CHURCH Sullivan, Illinois DECEMBER 30, 2018 THE HOLY FAMILY “His parents found Jesus sitting in the midst of the teachers.” Luke 2:41-52 Prepare For Next Sunday’s Readings INTRODUCTION In next Sunday’s Gospel, (January 6), the
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, and patriotism. Following the basic principle of charity, the 280 members of Mattoon Council 1057 have served the parish, school, and community for over 110 years.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Mattoon, Illinois ST. COLUMCILLE CHURCH Sullivan, Illinois AUGUST 2, 2020 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “They all ate and were satisfied.” Matthew 14:13-21 Prepare For Next Sunday’s Readings In next Sunday’s Gospel, (August 9) it directly follows
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH Mattoon, Illinois Parish Finance Council Meeting – January 20, 2020 Members present: Fr. John Titus, Pat Dust, Brent Holmes, Chrissy McKillip, Malcolm O’Neill, Diana Smith and Steve Wente. The meeting opened at 6:30 with a prayer led by Fr. John. The minutes of the 10/14/19 meeting were read and approved.