Top 100 Marvel Villains - List Challenges
Check out the list of the top 100 Marvel villains, then let me know your favorites! 280 users · 2,980 views made by Egzon Dervishi
100 Marvel Villains You Might Not Know - List Challenges
Marvel comics has a lot of characters and half of those were probably the antagonist at one point or another. Here's 100 of marvel villains you might not of heard of.
75 MCU Characters - List Challenges
Well MCU is dominating the 21st Century. And there are many characters in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Do you know them all?
Top 100 Marvel Characters According to Ranker - List Challenges
These are the top 100 Marvel Comics characters according to Ranker. There were a few doubled, so I just picked 101-105 to include as well.
A List of Marvel Heroes - List Challenges
Marvel comics has a very large roster of characters. This is a pretty extensive list of Marvel heroes from the Marvel universe. I also compiled a DC heroes list.
Characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe A-Z - List Challenges
This list primarily includes central and major supporting characters in media produced by Marvel Studios.
Classic Marvel Characters - List Challenges
This is a list of every single classic marvel hero and villain from the old marvel movies, alright then.
Obscure Marvel Characters - List Challenges
Okay, everyone's heard of Spider-Man, the Hulk, Thor, Dr. Doom and Loki. But the Marvel Universe is jam-packed with interesting, quirky, oddball or just downright lame characters that …
List of 100 Marvel Villains - Page 2 - List Challenges
Test your knowledge of these 100 marvel villains. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/idea/lists/top-100-marvel-villains/49380/ 29,004 users · …
Marvel Character Names - List Challenges
How many of the 50 characters on this list do you know the name of. Enjo and go try some of my other quizzes.