Bike Lake County
We've made some changes to Bike Lake County. These include: GPS connection error - An error preventing Bike Lake County from showing your location through GPS has been fixed. Trail …
County Highways & Bikeways Map - Lake County, IL
Click the map images below to view interactive versions of the County Highway and Bikeway map.
Non-motorized Paths - Lake County, IL
An interactive map of the more than 550 total miles of trails and bikeways in Lake County. An interactive map showing existing non-motorized paths and planned new non-motorized paths to be constructed within LCDOT's Five Year Transportation Improvement Plan.
Your Preserves - Places to Go | Lake County Forest Preserves
Make the most of 31,200 acres with Expand Your Experience, the official map and guide to your forest preserves. Use the countywide map to start planning your next walk, run, bike ride, fishing trip, paddling adventure, special event and more. You can also use our interactive trail map to help navigate your next adventure.
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Lake County, IL
Lake County bikeways and trails, and to access Bike Trail Explorer, our interactive bike map, scan the QR code on the left with your smartphone to visit lakecountyil.gov/transportation/BikeLakeCounty.
Biking - Lake Metroparks
Lake Metroparks Bike Trails. Limited biking is available at the following parks: Beaty Landing (Painesville) This wooded parcel encompasses 3,300 feet of frontage on the Grand River. Visitors can enjoy low-impact recreational activities such as picnicking, hiking and fishing at this park.
DOT/BikeLakeCounty (MapServer) - Lake County, Illinois
It also includes Forest Preserve parking areas, tunnels for bike paths underneath roadways, and construction project information for LCDOT bike paths.
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county. neighborhood lake trail . county. north lake trail (phase1) north lake trail (phase2) north lake trail (phase 3) (options) a b . 445. south lake trail . r. lake dexter. ocala . south lake to tavares trail . national. forest . us-27 trail . b tav-dora trail tav-lee trail van fleet trail wekiva trail : < 42. k. west lake trail . Ï ...
Experience - ArcGIS
This map depicts publicly accessible bike trails in Lake County, Illinois, with an emphasis on trails under the jurisdiction of the Lake County Division of Transportation. LCDOT maintains more than 59 miles of bicycle facilities, many of which connect to regional trail systems.
Map Details Bike Paths Throughout Lake County
May 20, 2016 · Identify bike paths, trails, lanes, and nearby parking facilities; View photos taken by fellow bicyclists around Lake County; Share the map with others