16 Brick Cladding Constructive Details - ArchDaily
Jun 26, 2019 · Brick cladding, also called "Face Bricks", can be specified in a large number of colors and textures, and in their summation and variation –thanks to their different shapes and sizes– they can...
Detailing Series - International Masonry Institute
This compilation includes hundreds of details for brick, block, and stone masonry systems, as well as details for ceramic tile, marble, terrazzo, plaster, rainscreen systems, terra cotta, AAC, and masonry restoration.
Brick Veneer/Concrete Masonry Walls Abstract: This Technical Note presents design, material and construction information for anchored brick veneer on concrete masonry backing.
Technical Details: An Architect’s Guide to Setting Out Brickwork
Below is an example of a section of wall showing a brick return, end of wall and internal wall junction. The setting out of brick is an important part of the design process and will guide the dimensions of walls, windows, doors and other features on a building’s elevation.
Technical details - Midland Brick
The information and technical details provided correlate with all legislative requirements and generally accepted good trade practice. Although provided as a guide only, common sense and job specific detailing can be added by qualified designers. Please note these files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or AutoCad software.
Technical Details: An Architect’s Guide to Brick Bonds and Patterns
Here we will explore the different types of brick detailing and show you a multitude of examples of architectural projects that have been creative with their brick detailing. Bricks are a modular building material and come in a huge range of colours, finishes, textures, sizes and types.
Exposed brick forms the interior finish on the bearing cross walls, which are also separation walls between units. These walls provide attractive low maintenance surfaces, fire resistance, structure, and excellent sound separation.
Technical Notes - Brick Industry Association
This Technical Note presents information for determining the basic layout of brick masonry walls, including both structural and veneer applications. Modular and non-modular brick masonry is discussed, including overall dimensioning of masonry walls using various brick unit sizes.
Brick Veneer Wall Systems Explained [Ultimate Guide] - Sto Corp.
Jul 18, 2022 · The differences between solid brick and brick veneer walls results from how the builder assembles the brick in the wall system and the brick veneer details – both have an impact on the walls’ structural and thermal performance.
Drawings depicting details of damp proof courses, w eepholes, lintels, roof ties to walls, etc. are supplemented by specifications used to translate designs into physical reality. Detailing is therefore an important link between go od design and quality construction. The construction details that follow are examples o f sound acceptable practice.