Water Supply Fixture Units - WSFU vs. GPM and Liters/sec
Converting WSFU - Water Supply Fixture Units - to GPM. The Water Supply Fixture Unit - WFSU - is defined by the American Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and is used to calculate the demand in water supply systems.
Appendix E Sizing of Water Piping System
Load values for fixtures must be determined as water supply fixture units and then converted to a gallon-per-minute (gpm) rating to determine peak demand. When calculating peak demands, the water supply fixture units are added and then converted to the gallon-per-minute rating.
Calculate Gallons Per Minute | STH Inc.
Sump/Sewage/Grinder GPM Calculation Worksheet. Use the tables below to calculate GPM required. Use Table 3.5 (Step #1) to determine number of fixture units; Then use Table 3.6 (Step #2) to convert Fixture Units to GPM; Enter the GPM in the GPM box under “Design Flow Rate” on the Pump Design Guide.
Water Supply Fixture Units WSFU - The Engineering ToolBox
Converting WSFU - Water Supply Fixture Units - to GPM. Sizing water supply service and distribution lines based on Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU). Sizing of water supply pipe lines. Required water supply to public buildings. Free online tool for designing water supply systems in buildings. Water consumption in garden fixtures.
Charts for Determining Water Pipe & Meter Sizes - PlumbingSupply.com
For fixtures or supply connections likely to impose continuous flow demands, determine the required flow in gallons per minute (gpm or L/s) and add it separately to the demand in gpm (L/s) for the distribution system or portions thereof.
A 103.0 Demand Load. - IAPMO
Chart A 103.1(1) and the enlarged scale Chart A 103.1(2) are used to convert fixture units to water supply demand in gallons per minute (gpm) for either a flush tank water closet system or flushometer valve system. Example 1
Demand (GPM) Corresponding to Fixture Load (WSFU) - UpCodes
This table converts water supply demands in water supply fixture units (WSFU) to required water flow in gallons per minute (GPM) for the purpose of pipe sizing.
To determine the building demand in gallons per minute, first find the total water supply fixture unit load. To do this, list all of the plumbing fixtures, appliances, or devices which will be installed in the building in question. Refer to the appropriate table of public or nonpublic use. For fixtures supplied with both hot and cold water,
Appendix K Converting Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU) to ... - UpCodes
Appendix K Converting Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU) to Gallons Per Minute Flow (GPM)
DFU - Drainage Fixture Units - The Engineering ToolBox
A Fixture Unit is not a flow rate unit but a design factor based on the rate of discharge, time of operation and frequency of use of a fixture. A fixture unit is equal to one cubic foot of water drained in an 1 1/4 pipe over one minute (≈ 7.48 U.S. gpm, ≈ 0.47 l/s).
Determining Water Supply Fixture Units - UpCodes
Supply loads in the building water distribution system shall be determined by total load on the pipe being sized, in terms of water supply fixture units (w.s.f.u.), as shown in Table P2903.7, and gallon per minute (gpm) flow rates [see Table P2903.7 (1)].
Fixture Counts Calculator - Residential Well Water Treatment, …
CALCULATING THE ESTIMATED WATER FLOW DEMAND IN GALLONS PER MINUTE (G.P.M.): Estimate the supply demand by totaling the fixture units from the Water Customer Demand Data Table – Fixture Unit Count and then by …
To properly select the correct unit, go to the capacity specifications chart and find the unit which will handle the peak daily capacity (grains per day) when regenerated on low or medium salt dosages.
How to Size Plumbing Water Pipes using Fixture Units
May 25, 2023 · To figure water supply fixture units, you need to calculate the demand load that plumbing fixtures will place on a water supply system. Here are the 14 steps required to size domestic water mains and distribution piping along with how to determine fixture units and the volume of water required.
How do I convert Water Supply Fixture Units to GPM?
Aug 4, 2011 · From the Engineering Toolbox website: The Water Supply Fixture Units - WFSU - are used to determine the water demand in water supply systems. One WFSU for a singel unit corresponds to one GPM. This conversion can only be used for one or a few fixtures.
Convert Fixture Units to Building GPM Load Total Fixture Flow Units NAMCO's Recommended GPM Load Hunter's Curve Recommended GPM Load Apts. Office Buildings GPM Hotel Motel GPM Industrial Municipal Hospital GPM *Hunter's Curve GPM 200 73 82 95 100 250 76 85 98 100 300 80 90 100 110 ...
Water Main Pipe Sizes: A Complete Guide | Angi
Mar 5, 2025 · Add up the WSFU values for all fixtures in the home and then use a standard flow chart to convert the total fixture count into a required flow rate (gallons per minute, or GPM) to estimate peak demand. Water Supply Fixture Unit (WSFU) Gallons Per Minute (GPM) 1: 3.0: 2: 5.0: 3: 6.5: 4: 8.0: 5: 9.4: 6: 10.7: 7: 11.8: 8: 12.8: 9:
Note: This conversion chart is only for preliminary sizing of the valves required. It is not a substitute for any calculations required for sizing the supply valves, which are the responsibility of the project engineer/manager.
Water Supply and Drainage Fixture Units Calculator - WSFU
Dec 14, 2023 · Calculation of water supply fixture units and drainage fixture units is important for plumbing design engineers as this will lead to determining the equivalent flow in gpm running through water pipe or drainage pipe. Download this excel sheet and it will help you calculate both WSFU and DFU.
4 - Wsfu To GPM Table | PDF - Scribd
This document provides tables estimating water demand for flush tanks and fire meters. The first table lists estimated demand for various size water supply fixtures in gallons per minute and cubic feet per minute. The second table shows the loss of …