101 Dalmatians Names: A List of All the Puppies - Disney With …
Sep 15, 2023 · Did you know that the puppies from Disney's 101 Dalmatians have names? Get all the details and ideas for your own Dalmatian dog here!
Meet the Dogs in 101 Dalmatians - A-Z Animals
Sep 29, 2024 · From the beloved Dalmatians to a heroic German Shepherd and a ritzy poodle, here are all the dog breeds featured in Disney’s 101 Dalmatians!
One Hundred and One Dalmatians - Wikipedia
In 1957, aspiring songwriter Roger Radcliffe lives in a bachelor flat near Regent's Park in London with his pet Dalmatian, Pongo. Deciding both of them need a "mate", Pongo watches women and their dogs in the street. Noticing a young woman named Anita and her Dalmatian Perdita, he drags Roger to the park to arrange a meeting.
101 Dalmatians Puppies Names: Who's Who | Disneyclips.com
See who's who among Pongo and Perdita's puppies from Disney's animated and live-action 101 Dalmatians movies.
What Are The 101 Dalmatians Names? - That Disney Fam
Nov 14, 2022 · There was a 101 Dalmatians animated film that came out in 1961 and a live action version of the movie that came out in1996. Both of the movies are very famous, classic, and iconic. The dog names below are from both movies. The movies follow Roger and Anita and their dalmatian dogs Pongo and Perdita.
Full List of the 101 Dalmatians Dog Names - In The Playroom
Jan 9, 2024 · For those in search of the perfect dog name, be it for your new Dalmatian puppy or to honor your favorite Disney dogs, we’ve compiled a full list of the 101 Dalmatians dog names, including the notable parents and their rambunctious puppies.
101 Dalmatians Dog Names and Others from Disney - My Dog's …
Jan 6, 2015 · It may have been years since you watched your last Disney movie, so here’s a refresher on some of the most popular Disney dogs. We hope this helps you find the perfect dog name! Let’s begin with 101 Dalmatians Dog Names. No list of Disney dog names is complete without these pups.
11 Dog Breeds in the movie “101 Dalmatians” - The Mouse Stories
What and how many dog breeds appear in the movie "101 Dalmatians"? Let’s find out together in this article!
101 Dalmatian Names: A-to-Z of Every Dog Name From 101 Dalmatians
Jul 3, 2019 · To honour these brave and dutiful dogs, we’ve included their superb dog names in this list, along with many other iconic Disney characters’ names that you’ll probably recognize! A-Z List Of 101 Dalmatian Names. 8-Ball – the black and white ball in a game of pool
List of Puppy Names in “101 Dalmatians” – Disney Movies List
Mar 26, 2018 · We’ll start this week with a list of all prominent Dalmatian puppies that were given names across all adaptations of the story. The list is in two parts, one a rundown of the most prominent puppies in the book and Disney franchise, with pertinent information about them.