In January 2025, short-range drones caused more casualties than any other weapon in Ukraine, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) said in a new report released on Tuesday.
Alors que la situation dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) demeure extrêmement volatile, un responsable des Nations Unies a déploré, mardi, les conséquences pour le pays de la ...
Déployés le long des frontières israéliennes avec le Liban et la Syrie, les Casques bleus de l’ONU surveillent une paix fragile, plus de deux mois après le cessez-le-feu entre le Hezbollah et Israël, ...
Latin American nations are at the forefront of a movement to create restrictions on global technology firms to prevent misinformation or misuse.
Australia’s road tax system has a problem. Revenue from the fuel excise – the primary way we tax motoring – has been declining steadily as a proportion of government revenue over the past two decades.
Alyse Lennox, Senior Research Officer, BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, Monash University Fernanda Mata, Research Fellow, BehaviourWorks Australia ...
Around 70% of the Britain’s 12,000 greenhouses are more than 40 years old. So there’s a huge opportunity for hi-tech horticulture to improve food security.
Have you ever asked someone how their day was, or been chatting casually with a friend, only to have them tell you a horrific story that has left you feeling distressed or emotionally exhausted ...
Across England, schools are running food banks to help the children and their families. Research suggests that 21% of schools in England now offer some form of food charity.
Global economic and political uncertainty, nostalgia and the ongoing shaming of assertive women is fuelling a rise of the ‘tradwife’ movement.
As we head towards the federal election, both sides of politics are making a point of criticising universities and questioning their role in the community. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has accused ...
We have a natural fascination with time – how landscapes have been carved over millennia, how our bodies grow and sag with age, how the stars traverse the sky each night. Scientists probe the layers ...