The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) was first adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic ...
Easterly Clear Ocean, a maritime investment firm formed to manage Easterly Clear Ocean Tranche I, part of the Easterly Asset ...
Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG), the Association of Singapore Marine & Offshore Energy Industries (ASMI) and the Global ...
Proposals at MEPC 82 call for revisions to the CII framework to account for port-related delays, idle time, and operational ...
Swedish owner says its new E-class vessels have an improved hullform, hybrid propulsion and will provide enhanced comfort on ...
Drewry Maritime Research senior maritime research, Pratiksha Negi, takes a look at the long-term growth in demand for FSRUs ...
Port of Argentia in Canada has secured a contract to receive and store blades for offshore wind turbines destined for ...
OSV operators emphasised the significance of enhanced connectivity, cyber security and the potential of AI-driven advanced ...
Furetank, a family owned shipping company, has announced a leadership transition, with Björn Stignor stepping into the role ...
With a combined installed capacity of 344 MW, Vesterhav Syd has a capacity of 168 MW and Vesterhav Nord 176 MW ...
Latest updates from combined EU forces on the stricken tanker Sounion show a military escort surrounding the vessel under tow ...
Mercuria has been notably active in fleet expansion this year. In addition to the MR tankers, the trading group has been ...