Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday introduced two amendment bills in the state assembly to impose stricter punishment for crimes against women, reaffirming his government's commitment to ...
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is expected to make a crucial decision by Saturday regarding the resumption of flying operations for the entire fleet of 330 ALH Dhruv helicopters, which are ...
The effort is to check if there is a technical failure which caused the incident or not. Once the analysis is complete, the ...
Having put flying all 330 ALH Dhruvs on hold after the recent crash in Porbandar Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is carrying ...
In the wake of the Porbandar crash, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is conducting a thorough investigation and is set to decide ...
The January 5 crash that killed three Indian Coast Guard officials was the second such mishap within four months.
To regain trust, HAL must prioritise quality control and establish a transparent mechanism for addressing technical flaws.
SWIMMERS from Shark Sporting Association won medals in the recently concluded 4th National Ocean Swimming Championship which ...
In my experience, HAL has always resorted to band-aid fixes and additional cautions rather than walking back a design—that ...
Kanpur: The mortal remains of coast guard pilot Sudhir Kumar Yadav reached his native village Harkishanpur in Maitha, Kanpur Dehat, on Wednesday.
There have been crashes in the past involving the ALH Rudra WSI, the attack helicopter version of the platform, as well as ...