Ninja Gaiden II Black is something that wasn’t on my 2025 bingo card, but I couldn’t be happier with its arrival. As much as I enjoy games such as Nioh and Rise of the Rōnin, I have always ...
Just a few days after its launch, Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has received its first update fixing some pretty major bugs. The developer also teased another patch that will bring new features to the game.
2008’s Ninja Gaiden II is arguably the best action-adventure ... might be more about whether this release is deserving of the ‘Black’ moniker. Pitched as a remake of the Xbox 360 original ...
A new update for Ninja Gaiden 2 Black adds New Game Plus and photo mode. The patch balances difficulty in some levels by adjusting enemy HP and increasing enemy numbers. Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has ...
Say what you will about Ninja Gaiden 2, the game commits to its ridiculous over-the-top action tone. Most people playing through the remaster will look at it through rose-tinted glasses. It's an ...
Beyond this, the new Ninja Gaiden 2 Black patch also resolved a variety of different bugs that players have found in the game. Team Ninja has also tweaked some of the balance of NG2B in certain ...
Having dropped out of absolute nowhere, Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is one of 2025’s biggest – and best – surprises so far. Its latest update, makes things even better, though, adding new ...
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black released just a few weeks ago, providing a modern version of the beloved action games to current-gen platforms. Although it hasn’t been long since Ryu Hayabusa made his ...
Itagaki called Black the "final" version of Ninja Gaiden (2004) as he went on to direct Ninja Gaiden 2. The sequel would be released in 2008, but before then came the first wobble: Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
That was followed up with the announcement that a new version of the second game, “Ninja Gaiden 2 Black,” would release that very day. Fans have been clamoring for the return of the greatest ...
This guide will help players find every Crystal Skull, Life of the Gods, and more in Submit or Die, Ninja Gaiden 2 Black’s tenth chapter.