Začela se je 25. sezona lige ICEHL (nekdanja EBEL), v kateri sodeluje 13 moštev, od tega eno slovensko HK Olimpija Ljubljana.
Ljubljana, 21. septembra - V Ljubljani bo ta konec tedna potekal Mineralfest 2024, eden največjih sejmov mineralov, fosilov in nakita v Sloveniji. Na dogodku, ki bo potekal že osmič, se bo predstavilo ...
Ljubljana, 21. septembra - Letošnji slogan mednarodnega dneva gluhih, ki ga na tretjo soboto v septembru obeležujemo od leta 1958, je Želim biti del vključujoče družbe. Ob tem v zvezi društev gluhih i ...
V zadnjem, 9. kolu prve četrtine 1. SNL danes v Ljubljani, jutri v Kopru, Lendavi in Domžalah. V Ajdovščini šele 12. oktobra.
In a video promoting her new memoir, former First Lady Melania Trump offers a defense of her earlier nude modeling work.
The fall is upon us, and while the summer flowers and plants may be getting ready to go dormant, the TC Philharmonic is ...
Luka Dončić is a Slovenian professional basketball player for the Dallas Mavericks of the National Basketball Association. He ...
Here are the Cricket Betting Tips and Match Predictions for Finals Day of the ECS Croatia T10 2024 tournament to be played on ...
Eight Purdue faculty members received the 2024 Fulbright Scholars Award. They will pursue research projects abroad in ...
Here are the Cricket Betting Tips and Match Predictions for Match 52-56 of the ECS Croatia T10 2024 tournament to be played ...
In Slovenia, Hitachi Rail is equipping a new second track between Koper and Divača with its advanced ETCS Level 1 trackside ...
European Central Bank Governing Council member Bostjan Vasle said he’d seek a second six-year term at the helm of Slovenia’s ...