Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Daaku Maharaaj wrapped its theatrical run with Rs 115 crore gross globally. Balayya is now gearing up for Akhanda 2.
Nandamuri Balakrishnas Sankranthi actioner Daaku Maharaaj, was released amid enthusiasm and record-breaking numbers at the ...
Daaku Maharaaj has entered the final stage of its theatrical run. Here's its Indian box office collection after 18 days!
Daaku Maharaaj has been seeing weekdays dip despite opening up with an impressive amount at the box office after release.
Take a look at the box office performance of the Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer actioner Daaku Maharaaj on its 17th day.
Venkatesh Daggubati will soon become the top senior actor to have highest collections for a single movie in Tollywood. He was ...