This comes after neighbors sued the county claiming the use of a 25 million dollar bond for the sewer line project was unconstitutional.
Historic terracotta pipelines failed, affecting 12% of households and costing up to $150,000 for urgent repairs, the town ...
ALCOSAN has been at work on a $2 billion solution to keep billions of gallons of sewage from Pittsburgh’s rivers every year.
The International Boundary and Water Commissioner Maria-Elena Giner explained what went wrong in Tijuana over the weekend ...
Changes to Newton’s sewer ordinances may require landowners to disconnect old service lines from the sewer main when a ...
COLCHESTER, Vt. (WCAX) - Construction on a Colchester sewer project could delay your commute. Phase one of the Malletts Bay Sewer project is underway. The goal is to improve water quality in the ...
Protect Rotokākahi Incorporated has filed for interim enforcement orders in the Environment Court to immediately stop Rotorua Lakes Council’s construction of a sewage pipe through wāhi tapu by ...
"As mana i te whenua we have consistently opposed the council bringing the sewage pipe through here," he said. Protests began in January last year, with a handful of people involved. A hīkoi in August ...
"Rescuing a cat and her kittens from a sewer shows incredible compassion and ... A stock image showing a cat in a pipe. A stock image showing a cat in a pipe. fotocelia/iStock / Getty Images ...
The number of houses experiencing sewage backups and flooding after a ... inserting a resin-saturated liner inside the existing pipes. The liner is then cured in place with ultraviolet light ...
Among many pipes and fittings, HDPE pipes and fittings are made of high-density polyethylene and are considered the best option for sewage systems since they provide advantages that cannot be matched ...