Women leaders in Catholic parishes, schools and other ministries are generally satisfied in their work, but many report ...
A federal judge has declined to dismiss a lawsuit against former Lafayette Public Library board president Robert Judge for ...
Ahead of the March 29 election, elected officials, advocates and other community members in St. Tammany shared their views ...
Msgr. Robert Panke, the parish’s pastor, does his part to support vocational discernment. He offered a prayer at the start of the tea and reminded the young women to “open their hearts to ...
Cardinal Robert McElroy, the Catholic Church’s new man in Washington, is uniquely suited to the role. If Cardinal Robert ...
In his installation Mass, McElroy addressed some of the nation's current tensions but also emphasized the need for hope and ...
East Meath Active Retirement Association (EMARA) meet every Thursday in St. Mary’s Church of Ireland Parish Rooms, Laytown ...
Connecticut Theatre Company play demonstrates "the power of community, the importance of sharing our burdens." ...
SUNSET: The spring season of Sunset at the Landing Concerts begin Mar. 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the foot of Columbia ...
Father James Lawrence “Jim” Harrison, the founding principal of St. Pius X High School, died March 7. He was 95 years old.