Helmed by Tokyo-born chef Kiyokuni “Kiyo” Ikeda, Komo pays tribute to time-honored techniques with a Maui twist.
Do not try and drive through a flooded area, start charging your devices. Be ready to be evacuated from these flood-prone areas, and prepare your families.” ...
Further intensification of thunderstorms and heavy rainfall is expected to occur around midday and throughout the afternoon.
The House Committee on Housing, vice chaired by Central Maui Rep. Tyson Miyake, recommended passage Wednesday of House Bill 739, which would establish a Kamaʻāina Homes Program.
To help empower Native Hawaiians with the skills and knowledge required to tell authentic cultural stories for TV, film and social media, the Maui-based Native Hawaiian Philanthropy organization is ...
Hawaiʻi is bracing for a low-pressure system that will bring strong winds and flooding today through Friday. High-wind warnings are already in effect ...