Manoj Bajpai is an extraordinary actor and he proved the same in his last film Bhonsle. He has always been an extraordinary star and in his recent interview, he expressed how Sushant Singh Rajput ...
The film served as a launch vehicle for many talents including the technicians in Hindi cinema, who would go on to become the established names in Bollywood including Anurag Kashyap, who co-wrote the ...
After her role in the 2009 film Acid Factory, Shabana Bajpai, also known as Neha Bajpai, disappeared from the acting scene. By then, she was married to Manoj Bajpayee. Recently, he revealed the ...
He also appeared in Dastak in a small role of a cop. Manoj Bajpayee stands a little shifted from commercial line and is most well known for his offbeat movies and critical choices of films.