When we go backwards in time through the history of the cosmos, the distances and volumes shrink, while the average energy ...
The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a hot, dense point, expanding into the cosmos we observe today.
Time For Reflection Our understanding of the universe, as advanced as it is, is still riddled with paradoxes and huge ...
Head to <a href=" and use code WHATIF120 to get $120 off over your first 5 weeks of meals!From a single point 14 billion ...
Our most powerful telescopes have revealed that the cosmos is surprisingly simple on the largest visible scales. Likewise, ...
There may well be simpler, more powerful and more testable explanations for the basic properties of the universe than those ...
one big question about the big bang remains: “What was it that banged?” The answer lies in his theory of cosmic inflation. “It sets up the conditions for the big bang—like a prequel ...
Researchers have strengthened the case that matter becomes dark energy when massive stars collapse and become black holes.