Marvel fans have expressed both excitement and concerns, but many have yet to watch the film before sharing their opinions. ...
If "Thunderbolts*" without Hawkeye is like "Avengers" without Captain America, then a "Thunderbolts*" movie without Baron ...
SPOILER ALERT    Marvel is hit or miss with their movies nowadays, so it makes sense that audiences were not exactly eager to ...
Marvel’s latest film is the fourth installment of the Captain America franchise following the passing of the mantle from ...
Brave New World” are summarized in its title. It isn’t “brave,” nor is it “new.” It’s one of the least inspired Marvel ...
The new team features some old faces including James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes (Sebastian Stan), John Walker (Wyatt Russell), ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
Marvel released their newest blockbuster hit "Captain America Brave New World" on Valentine's Day — here are my thoughts.
Director Julius Onah has defended the Hulk's absence from Captain America: Brave New World.
The 'Brave New World' filmmaker also shares what he learned from test screenings, and honing the post-credits tag after the ...
As Ross is speaking, the song “Mr. Blue” begins to play, and several men, including Bradley open fire on the President and other dignitaries. The President’s head of security, Ruth Bat-Seraph, a ...