Filming "Sukkwan Island,” a visceral psychological thriller premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, provided its French director Vladimir de Fontenay and everyone involved in the multi-national production with an epic yet transformative experience,
In Alafair Burke’s new thriller, “The Note,” three women with a lot of baggage are vacationing together in the Hamptons when they have an unpleasant run-in with a couple of strangers and decide to exact drunken,
Made with a run-and-gun ethos that infuses the film with an edgy immediacy, “Inheritance” is Neil Burger’s best film in years, writes our reviewer.
This malaise was a fitting backdrop for Akira Kurosawa to underline the societal decay and bleak mood of Japan in Stray Dog, the director's groundbreaking 1949 crime thriller. The film stars the two most prolific me mbers of the Kurosawa Stock Company,
Iranian auteur Alireza Khatami tackles toxic masculinity through horror tension and psychological unease in Sundance thriller 'The Things You Kill.'
The movie was filmed partially in Michigan's tulip town, including at Holland's Windmill Island Gardens in 2023.
Egyptian social thriller 'The Settlement' have been acquired by international distributor Mad World ahead of its Berlin Film Festival premiere.
As I mentioned, one of the season's three main storylines has been freeing Coyote from Volchok. A few episodes back this tied into a subplot about a kill team named "Felix" embedded in Ukraine and by the end of the season those two storylines are firmly tied up together.
Steven Soderbergh has done this too, for his thriller “Unsane” and sports drama “High Flying Bird.” Charlie Kaufman’s poetic short film “Jackals and Fireflies” was shot on a Samsung Galaxy, and Danny Boyle’s upcoming zombie movie “28 Years Later” was made with an iPhone,
Shayla’s recommendations include a 1967 British television series that starts out like The Good Place, a “ Page Six –esque thriller” about the Sigmund Freud Archives, and an “eclipse-viewing” experience that takes place entirely indoors.
Coralie Fargeat and Demi Moore’s horror thriller "The Substance" scored big with Oscar nomination voters, but is the genre still not getting its due?