Extension’s research found that WIC must update its practices around cultural competency, professional development, and peer coaching to improve staffing, recruitment and retention. The grants will ...
Bees are an integral part of the insect species. They are important pollinators and face challenges that affect the size of the bee population. These classes and events are designed to help ...
State Ambassador Madison shares her excitement for BLU and encourages 4-H youth to organize a community food drive as part of the statewide service project.
Calendula is one of the National Garden Bureau's annuals of the year for 2025. Loved for its vibrant blooms and versatility, ...
Learn about mental health interventions, how to begin conversations about mental well-being, and find resources for professionals.
Youth language is ever-evolving and serves an important role in development. It is more than slang—it's key in creating ...
4-H Cloverbud After-School club (Gr. K-2) dates are set for Roseau, Warroad, Greenbush (Badger TBD) for more information visit: z.umn.edu/4Hcloverbudafterschool Overnight Camp Counselor registration ...
It's time to start working with your 4-H market beef project. Changes for 2025 are detailed below along with links to order tags and information on IDing animals. Market beef identification process ...
4-H members wishing to participate in the 4-H Market Beef Project in Roseau County, including showing at the Roseau County fair in July 2025 must properly ID their market animal by February 18, 2025.
Being a 4-H club or group leader can be a challenging (and rewarding!) job. Join other leaders in McLeod, Meeker, Stearns, Sherburne, & Wright for a series of calls where we will talk about timely ...
In agriculture, the difference between average and top producers isn’t always dramatic leaps but often small, consistent improvements that add up to big results. These elite farmers, often referred to ...
This week's youth spotlight is Annabelle S.! She is a 7th grader and has been in 4-H for four years. She is a member of the Wild River Pioneers club, where she serves as the club's vice president.