DURBAN - KwaZulu-Natal Police Commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi has confirmed that one of the two suspects killed by police on Thursday afternoon was a member of the notorious West Gang. Two suspects ...
UBEFUNELWA uxhaxha lwamacala abucayi owesilisa oneminyaka ewu-22 osale enkundleni ngesikhathi itholene phezulu ngezulu ...
KwaZulu-Natal police boss Nhlanhla Mkwanazi has praised detectives who took down a notorious Durban gang leader.
It has been reported that the newly appointed National Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, leapfrogged over 30 senior generals when he was appointed to the SAPS' top post last ...
KwaZulu-Natal police shot and killed a 22-year-old most wanted gang leader following a string of crimes, including over 10 ...