A heartwarming video of Aditya Roy Kapur with 'bhabhi' Vidya Balan and 'bhai' Siddharth Roy Kapur has gone viral. The sweet family moment is truly unmissable! Watch it below!
"Companion" refreshes an old science fiction trope by way of true crime, along the way spotlighting star Sophie Thatcher's ...
Larry Mantle and LAist film critics Charles Solomon, Lael Loewenstein, and Tim Cogshell review this weekend’s latest movie releases in theaters and on streaming platforms.
Usually, when Hollywood makes a movie about a killer robot, it's the villain. From Westworld to Terminator to The Matrix to M3gan, murderous robots make great villains, in part because they're so ...
Sophie Thatcher and Jack Quaid starrer Companion is soon to hit the digital screens. The sci-fi thriller is currently running successfully in theaters. Read the details inside.
Drew Hancock's feature debut is a sharp, sleek thriller with a hip modern edge starring Jack Quaid and Sophie Thatcher ...
Neither a horror nor a comedy, this future-tinged tale settles for being a reductive collection of better movies.
We’ve had quite a few movies about the horrors and potential threats that AI will pose to us all in the not-too-distant future. With technology taking huge leaps and bounds seemingly on a daily basis, ...
Drew Hancock's clever twist on the too-good-to-be-true love story is giddy, gory and a truly fun genre mash-up.
Still, if you don't want to know anything about what "Companion" is actually about, then just know that the film features a ...
The movie is Hitchcockian to its core, with an edgy sense of humor that is just uncomfortable enough to make the film diabolically fun.
The actor best known for The Boys leads the new film Companion, an AI horror that stabs at the heart of rom-com tropes.