An elementary school on Green Bay's east side has a new name after a unanimous vote from the Green Bay Board of Education.
The school board will meet Thursday night at 5 p.m. at the EJ Campbell Building. If approved, it would be implemented for the 2025-2026 school year.
School leaders signed a beam that will be hoisted into place later this week and featured architecturally inside the school building.
The district’s decision came after a two-week postponement in a last-ditch effort to find another way to solve the district’s ...
A change in attendance boundaries and programming for bilingual students in parts of East McKinney will be implemented for ...
Whether it came down to additional costs or logistical issues, they couldn't recommend any of those options over the current plan.
FWISD leaders say school closures are inevitable as enrollment drops. East Fort Worth communities have concerns.
The school system said that the superintendent and other district leaders would be there. They will answer questions and ...
Last week, West Ada School District held a neighborhood meeting to discuss its proposal for new elementary school boundaries ...
Last week, the Winona Area Public Schools (WAPS) Board approved attendance boundary changes for reconfiguring which ...