"Rabbit Trap" centers around an electronic musician recording an album in the Welsh countryside. The film takes inspiration ...
"Rabbit Trap," which premiered Friday at the Sundance Film Festival, explores Welsh mythology so slowly that it fails to ...
Debut feature filmmaker Bryn Chainey discusses fairies, goblins and Welsh folklore and casting a 'ripped' post-'Monkey Man' ...
Bryn Chainey’s first feature centers on an avant-garde musician and her sound recordist husband living in a remote cottage, ...
Bryn Chainey Logline: Set in 1973, the film charts the story of married musicians Daphne (Rosy McEwen) and Darcy Davenport ...
Early electronica musician Daphne Davenport (Rosy McEwen) and her sound recordist husband Darcy (Dev Patel) learn all that the hard way after they move to a remote Welsh farmhouse in 1976.
Early electronica musician Daphne Davenport (Rosy McEwen) and her sound recordist husband Darcy (Dev Patel) learn all that the hard way after they move to a remote Welsh farmhouse in 1976. More from ...