"This new transit service will provide a critical resource for those without personal transportation," write Democrats of the Winnebago County Board.
Rockford Mass Transit District will receive $39.4 million from the Rebuild Illinois Capital Grant program to expand its ...
The Winnebago County Attorney’s Office invites area families to attend any of its free Party Palooza events to be held the ...
The Winnebago County bomb squad responded to the Roscoe Police Department after a man brought in a hand grenade.
Stay Independent is a nutrition and well-being program offered through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for ...
Voters in Sangamon County will soon face a decision on whether to eliminate the county recorder's office.Frank Lesko, the ...
An FRO is a civil order issued by a judge that temporarily limits a person’s access to guns and related items when law ...
J. Jeffers on Friday announced plans to hire a Rockford company to oversee the Colman Yards project after firing its initial general contractor.
Soltage plans solar energy farms on 69 acres near Manhattan and ECA Solar and New Lenox Community Energy Initiative eye 35 ...
Downstate Senate Republicans are concerned with Gov. JB Pritzker's plan to consolidate townships in small communities.
With an $86 million gap between what the Wirtzes are offering and what the school district wants, school officials are now ...
ROSCOE, Ill. — A man who found a hand grenade while cleaning a vacant property brought it to the Roscoe Police Department on Thursday, prompting a response from the Winnebago County bomb squad.