Foes, and The Juggernaut are some of the iconic Marvel villains that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk must one day face in the MCU.
Brave New World DISNEY "The Incredible Hulk" is not subtle about setting up Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson) as its sequel villain. Unfortunately, no "The Incredible Hulk 2" materialized.
That mastermind is a character unseen in the MCU for 17 years: Tim Blake Nelson's Samuel Sterns. The character last appeared in 2008's The Incredible Hulk, when his blood was inadvertently cross ...
Captain America; Brave New World features the long-awaited return of an old supervillain who could still become the best ...
In several ways, Captain America: Brave New World serves as a sequel to 2008's The Incredible ... Red Hulk, along with the reintroduction of Samuel Sterns, aka the Leader (Tim Blake Nelson ...
Director Julius Onah has defended the Hulk's absence from Captain America: Brave New World.