Rumor has it MTV star Amber Portwood was fired amid promises to her fans that she would get Teen Mom canceled.
Farrah Abraham is opening up about her decision to leave the suburbs when her daughter was young.
For years, I looked to 'Teen Mom' for all the things not to do as a young adult, but the latest season has me having second ...
I love being a mom, but early on, I lost myself Being a mom has always come easy to me, but in those tear-filled, sleepless infant and toddler years, motherhood had a cost. Now in my 40s with two ...
The teen then allegedly admitted to killing his mother. "He then made statements for officers to kill him and stated, 'she is dead,' and 'she is dead from what I did,'" the complaint stated ...
Somewhere along the line, the point of the method got lost and there's an entire legion of parents who think it means just letting their kids do whatever they like without consequences. One mom ...
I wish I could do this for my mom,' and moms would comment, 'Until you have kids, you don't understand that this is really all moms want. At the end of the day, family is everything,' " Dunne shares.
Lindy Dunne captured that feeling in her viral TikTok video, in which she surprised her mom with George Strait ... to family a few times, and the kids knew how much going would mean to her.
You cannot blame them." She added, "I don’t blame the parents, believe me. You know how kids are when they get with other kids.” 7 Police Officers Shot While Responding to 'Suicide in Progress ...