Now that her octuplets are 16 ... “You have grown into one of the most humble, kind hearted, hard working, honest human beings I’ve ever known,” mom wrote in an Instagram tribute to celebrate his 22nd ...
If you ever turned to MTV during the early 2000s, chances are you saw at least one episode of Teen Mom. It ran from 2009 ...
The fatal clash erupted when teens from different high schools gathered at the Sunnyside eatery, and a brawl erupted between ...
In a conversation with her friend, Ashley explains that Holly wants to visit Bar in jail and she's torn over whether that ...
An Alberta teen was trapped inside an online extremist network that the RCMP says is ‘unlike anything’ its counterterrorism ...
Just before Christmas last year, 19-year-old Keontrai Floyd was visiting his mom and younger brother at the New Reach ...
Josh Gad reveals why he and wife Ida Darvish are using Snapchat to communicate with their teenage daughter in an exclusive ...
I vowed to parent my firstborn and his siblings in such a way that when they became adults I wouldn't wish I had done more ...
Josh has a history of being uninvolved with his kids, and it's gotten worse since his divorce from Teen Mom's Mackenzie.
I never saw myself as motherly. Still, I ensured my kids experienced different cultures and were curious individuals. My ...
"But I am a pedestal princess also now a passenger princess, my daughter drives me everywhere, and to my ketamine treatments, ...