Emergency repairs to the Umzimkhulu River Bridge will begin, with a six month project aimed at restoring safety for motorists and pedestrians.
The iconic Mzimkhulu River bridge has shown signs of concrete degeneration for many years, and sagging occurred over the last three years.
The bridge will be closed from 3 pm on Monday afternoon, and repairs are expected to span over six months at a cost of R190 million.
Structural steel framing, including barrel vaulted roof formed ... shoring pads in preparation for shoring and excavation work Installation of the north caisson wall August 2019, overview showing site ...
Le Grand Port Maritime de Marseille lance un appel d’offres pour la cession d’un caisson flottant en béton précontraint, ...
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structural steel, steel joists, metal decking, misc metal, metal stairs - interior, stainless sheet metal fabrications, ornamental metal, seismic joints, Div 6 Wood & Plastics: rough carpentry ...
Une enceinte est l'ensemble généralement composé d'un caisson (baffle) généralement en bois où sont fixés des haut-parleurs, permettant la reproduction acoustique du son à partir d'un signal ...