called Soma, that keeps people happy. But of course, spoiler alert, it doesn’t. Amory: It’s hard to miss the warning of a sci-fi story like Brave New World. But right around the same time of ...
Orwell and Huxley offered contrasting dystopias: oppression versus distraction. Which feels more real today? Explore their ...
Portland invading the Capitol Hill junk food scene with a new almost around the clock Voodoo Doughnuts shop on Pine. 2025 is beginning with a Portland creation from the other end ...
In "Superbloom," Nicholas Carr laments that we live in a state of uncontrollable sensory and communication overload.
The ideal getaway is Soma in Brave New World, a medication that maintains society peaceful, comfortable, and blissfully ignorant of their bonds. Nobody sees the need to challenge the system, hence ...
I recently had to write a script for a list of movies that I felt owed a little or a … Continue reading "Why Equilibrium ...
I was very happily in bed, one of my favourite places, generally,” says Anjelica Huston, of the regal aristo she plays in the new BBC adaptation of the 1944 Agatha Christie mystery Towards Zero.
At age 90, Brave New World remains Aldous Huxley’s signature novel, a brilliant satirical dystopia in which, thanks to such enormities as soma, hypnopaedia, Podsnap’s Technique and Solidarity services ...