the son of Jaguars owner Shad Khan and the team's chief strategy officer, has ended up on the wrong side of a lawsuit arising from the pro wrestling league owned and operated by the Khans.
A familiar figure among pro-wrestling fans, Tony Khan, is the Shahid ‘Shad’ Khan — a Pakistan-American billionaire who is the richest Pakistani-origin person in the world. Shad ...
Tony Khan, the son of Jaguars owner Shad Khan and the team’s chief strategy officer, has ended up on the wrong side of a lawsuit arising from the pro wrestling league owned and operated by the Khans.
Ironically, there is precedent for a Jaguars coach and professional wrestling. In 2021, Urban Meyer helped Jericho and things got physical. And just last year, Shad Khan stormed the ring after his ...
If Jacksonville City Councilman Ron Salem had given the meeting another name, perhaps some bland title about municipal budget analysis, it wouldn’t have generated much attention. But he called it ...
Let’s be honest about one thing: the biggest reason Coen was hired by owner Shad Khan is the belief he has the offensive acumen and ingenuity to help Lawrence reach his vast potential. More:Why 2 ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan isn't concerned that his general manager and head coach are in their roles for the first time. He's excited about it. Khan says he ...
The new trio will all be doing their jobs for the first time in 2025, but the previous choices didn't get the franchise where owner Shad Khan wanted it to go so it wasn't a big shock to hear Khan ...
Now, the Jaguars are taking a chapter out of their book as owner Shad Khan makes his biggest bet yet. A bet on potential. A bet that, if it pays off, could help the Jaguars become the AFC version ...
The new trio will all be doing their jobs for the first time in 2025, but the previous choices didn’t get the franchise where owner Shad Khan wanted it to go so it wasn’t a big shock to hear Khan ...