Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of ...
Pope St. John Paul II could well be called the "apostle of life." He spent his entire pontificate boldly proclaiming the ...
Columnist: There are many opinions on the subject of baptism but the important thing is what the Lord has declared.
In the Church, we are made children of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- the God who makes known His name and His ways to Moses in today's First Reading. Mindful of His covenant with Abra ...
As you listen, take what you hear to prayer. If the choir is singing hymns that you find insufficiently orthodox or ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
When applied to the Bible it doesn’t take long to see that his “has God said?” (Gen. 3:1) thinking, now at work in the Church ...
Built on land donated by Pope Pius XI to the theologian and physician Agostino Gemelli in 1934, it has become known as the "Pope's Hospital." John Paul II even nicknamed it "Vatican Three," with St ...
RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is now officially called OCIA, or the Order of Christian Initiation for ...
The transfiguration prepares us for the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. St. Luke’s telling of the event draws us into the mystery of divine love, a love that embraces human suffering and ...
In these first two weeks of Lent, we've begun a new stage of our Holy Year pilgrimage. We've seen human frailty and the glory ...