European Union leaders are grappling with the uncertainty of how the President Trump-led peace process between Russia and Ukraine will turn out and what it will mean for them. As Teri Schultz reports, ...
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, a socialist, agrees with her right-wing counterparts that mass migration into Europe is a significant threat to the continent's way of life.
An international front is refusing to bow to the White House’s demands, and it's the only way out of the crisis.
A ceasefire in Russia’s 3-year-old war in Ukraine hinges on Moscow accepting the U.S. proposal of a 30-day pause in fighting ...
Uncertainty in Ukraine and across Europe as a whole is handing Macron a much-needed opportunity to turn the spotlight away ...
When the “power system” is criticized, a quick counterargument is often “conspiracy theories”. In relation to what is ...
En af dem, der markerer det, er statsminister Mette Frederiksen (S), som kommer til at tale i forbindelse med et arrangement arrangeret af Kvinfo ved spillestedet Vega i København. Flere andre fra ...
Der er et nyt kærestepar i kendisland. Denne gang er det intet mindre end den danske politiker Mette Thiesen (DF) og madanmelderen Søren Frank, der er faldet for hinanden. Det indrømmer Mette ...
The statement read: "Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit's chronic disease pulmonary fibrosis has progressed. "The Crown Princess has daily symptoms and ailments that affect her ability ...
Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit's chronic lung disease has worsened to the point where it’s affecting "her ability to perform her duties," the Royal House of Norway announced. Mette-Marit ...
CPH:DOXs åbningsfilm, "Facing War", skildrer Jens Stoltenbergs sidste år som Natos generalsekretær. Han og Mette Frederiksen gæster dokumentarfilmsfestivalen. Statsminister Mette Frederiksen (S) ...
En god dag for Europa. Sådan betegner statsminister Mette Frederiksen (S) resultaterne fra det ekstraordinære EU-topmøde i Bruxelles torsdag. - Essensen af det, der er aftalt i dag, er rammen for en ...