With over 60,000 Native voters in Wisconsin, and recent presidential elections being decided by far fewer votes, community ...
Tribal nations seek common-sense policy reforms that strengthen our ability to govern, and protect our own people, and ...
The Menominee Nation signed an agreement with the state of Wisconsin formally ending assimilation in schools Monday. Menominee Nation chairman Ronald Corn Sr. and state superintendent of the Wisconsin ...
About half of the nearly 9,000 Menominee membership live on 262,000 acres in the Keshena, Wisconsin area. Most homes are owned by the tribe, and upkeep is on them.
The DEA encroached on the sovereign land of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and destroyed a large crop of industrial hemp, Native Americans said. But the Associated Press report that federal ...
In its three-decade bid to win approvals to open a casino in Kenosha, the Menominee tribe Friday expressed its "optimism for the road ahead" under the new Trump administration. "We are hopeful ...
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin member Sherri LaChapelle-Corn (Pitapanukiw) lectured on the plight of the black ash tree and taught a traditional basket weaving class for the Wisconsin Science ...
Alexandria Ehlert has pursued a college education hoping to become a park ranger or climate scientist. Now she’s wondering whether she’ll ever finish her studies at College of Menominee Nation.