Federal government guidelines which recommend levels of fluoride in toothpaste for children under six are outdated and ...
A recently released study links exposure to high levels of fluoride to lower IQ in children raising concerns about fluoride in drinking water. Between that study from the National Institutes of ...
Water fluoridation is a “safe way to prevent tooth decay,” a Rutgers University expert says – despite what you may have ...
The new paper is a systematic review and meta-analysis. This is a type of study in which researchers comb the literature on a ...
Look it up. Study after study shows that the benefit is not there as the industry claims it is. The risk of ingesting fluoride is that it damages children's (and adult) brains. Don't just take my word ...
With the City of Melbourne ending its long-time practice of adding fluoride to drinking water, we want to know how you feel ...
The debate in Abilene, Kansas, could be a precursor to other communities considering the move because members of the incoming ...
Currently, the HHS recommends a fluoride concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter of drinking water, though the EPA enforces ...
Fluoride in drinking water has been a topic of conversation lately, but what does it really mean, and is it really needed?
Do you live in a red state, a blue state, or one where Republicans and Democrats share power? Your answer might provide the ...
The oral health of regional Queenslanders is not the only thing at risk for communities without access to fluoridated water, ...
After spending much of the past year trying to allay the concerns of residents living near a contaminated former industrial ...