WHEN it comes to cleaning the bathroom, most people understandably focus on scrubbing the toilet to rid it of germs and dirt.
Nobody loves cleaning the toilet—but the household chore is one of the most important for maintaining a healthy and germ-free ...
Cleaning professionals told CR about the most common cleaning mistakes people make at home and shared advice on how to avoid these missteps.
"I stopped breathing and my heart skipped. My pants were down around my ankles, and no one else was within earshot." ...
The woman eventually had to have a talk with the roommate about her messy ways. And though she would promise to do better, it ...
There are always errands to run and people to see and emails to send and things to clean. However, there is one spot you ...
Every time you take a sip from your water bottle, you are depositing bacteria inside and over the course of a day these can ...
The pro cleaner with over 200,000 followers quickly reveals how so many of us are cleaning our bathrooms "completely wrong". And he has three secret essential cleaning tips to make your bathroom not ...
According to Inkee, menstrual blood is the primary source of the unpleasant odor in your intimate area. To prevent this, it's ...
Rakuten spokesperson Whitney Standring-Trueblood has some tips for cleaning up your finances this spring season: ...
New CCTV footage has revealed how a young woman's jealous ex-boyfriend laid a trap to lure her into a toilet cubicle before ...
A new porcelain toilet sat whimsically outside the building, prepped for installation. Uh oh, I thought, rounding the corner to see a plumber with a pickup truck. A “closed for cleaning” sign ...