Adam rejected God through disobedience and lost this friendship ... guns or even knives. Man on the other hand has fashioned the most primitive weapons out of stone before he could record history.
We often think it is pointless to engage religious fundamentalists. Well, Seth Andrews was a fundamentalist Christian talk ...
The Copts were (and remain) so devoted to Michael that they established 12 feasts in his honor, one per month, to be observed ...
According to the ancient rabbis, meaningful, creative labor is how humans channel the divine. It’s an idea that can help us ...
The post went poof, but thanks to the magic of the internet, the Adam Joseph 9/11 tweet is preserved here: Just after 9 p.m., ...
They wore it on their T-shirts and expressed it in the way they kneeled to pray: At his first event after the Secret Service opened fire on a suspected gunman hiding in the bushes around Trump’s ...
"You can't overreact after Adrian Wojnarowksi retires either, like Adam Schefter did," Simmons said. Simmons then changed his ...
When we hear the command of Christ to treasure God’s creation, it is up to us to heed the call, writes Archbishop of ...
The British actor, 39, who lives with neurofibromatosis type 1, wants to hold the door open for others — and he's challenging ...
Chandler’s ‘rebound roommate’ Eddie appeared in just three episodes of ‘Friends’ in 1996, but he has gone on to become one of ...
The Newsboys have been an integral part of the GOD’S NOT DEAD franchise, and with the important message of the ...