New York City’s involuntary removal policy was supposed to make it easier to help mentally ill homeless people get the care they need. In practice, it has raised impossible questions.
With public fear over crime and homelessness at an all-time high, New York City’s mayoral candidates roll out plans to address homelessness.
Debrina Kawam was burned alive on a subway as an NYPD officer walked past, exposing the deadly consequences of criminalizing homelessness.
Shane Dan Turner can often be found in New York City subway stations decked out in a black blazer and entertaining straphangers with classics like The Beatles’ “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” and Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” during rush hour.
A new film, No Address, is sparking national conversations about homelessness, particularly in states like New York, where the crisis has reached alarming levels. The film takes a personal and emotional look at individuals from different backgrounds who find themselves without a home due to circumstances beyond their control.
A group of concerned citizens has come together to address the growing problem of homelessness in Elmira after the city council outlawed most camping.
The commission — which is set to be finalized and implemented in the coming months — aims, in part, to track the complaints everyday New Yorkers make about the city’s decay in
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched his bid for New York City mayor with a video posted on his X account. This comes after much speculation that the governor would launch a comeback after leaving office in 2021.
This article discusses homeless, specifically that facing New York City residents, and "aggressive government interventions into the housing market."
Harsh policies targeting unhoused people in the so-called sanctuary city ensnare newly arrived migrants, who now have fewer places to turn for shelter and support.