Georgia’s Central Election Commission will review plans for opening 60 polling stations in 42 foreign countries for the October 26 general elections, marking an increase from their number during the ...
Calls for reforming the international system dominated the 79th United Nations General Assembly, as world leaders and foreign ministers highlighted the inadequacies of global institutions in ...
Civil society organizations play a crucial role in amplifying these voices. We call on negotiators to prioritize inclusivity at COP29 and ensure that solutions are both just and equitable. These ...
Kyrgyz National News Agency Kabar won in voting in the logo design competition held between 5 agencies that are members of ...
Former Turkish basketball player Asim Pars, 48, was found dead at his home in Bosnia and Herzegovina, police confirmed on ...
The meeting highlighted that Azerbaijani-Turkish relations are based on friendship, brotherhood and strategic alliance. The sides expressed satisfaction with the current state of cooperation between ...
Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, viewed the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition “ADEX-2024” and the 14th International Exhibition for Internal Security, ...
FM Bayramov spoke in detail about the preparatory process for organizing the session within Azerbaijan's COP29 Presidency, main and side events, as well as the ongoing negotiation processes. According ...
В Интеллектуальном центре Московского государственного университета – Фундаментальной библиотеке с участием министра науки и ...
XV Международная школа мультикультурализма «Роль культурного наследия в сохранении мира, диалога и толерантности», ...
В Нью-Йорке прошел традиционный Каспийский бизнес-форум, в этом году в пятый раз организуемый Центром каспийской политики.
В рамках 79-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН при организации председательства COP29 состоялся Форум высокого уровня по глобальной климатической прозрачности.