A key compound of the deadly defoliant “Agent Orange,” used in the Vietnam War, was sprayed from planes to deliberately kill ...
A report by environmental and rights NGOs Tuesday linked three major meatpacking companies to illegal deforestation in Brazil ...
Vast, diverse parts of Brazil are burning at the same time, forcing officials to rethink how to protect crucial ecosystems ...
BRASILIA, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Brazil’s Supreme Court on Sunday authorized the government to exempt spending on wildfires and ...
While the animal is expected to heal, her home in the Pantanal continues to burn. The Pantanal, south of the Amazon in Mato Grosso do Sul state, has the world's highest density of jaguars.
Where to spot jaguars, giant tortoises, and capybaras. Latin America is a wildlife enthusiast's dream, home to many diverse ...
La ONG ecologista Mighty Earth vinculó este martes a los grandes frigoríficos JBS, Marfrig y Minerva con la "destrucción ...
This project is a collaboration between The World and the CO2 Foundation, which supports nonprofit organizations and ...