President Thaddeus Ross eventually completes his transformation into Red Hulk in Captain America: Brave New World, bringing his story full circle from his first appearance in 2008's The Incredible ...
Anthony Mackie takes audiences on an adventure as the new Captain America in 'Brave New World.' Here's 'Captain America: Brave New World's' ending explained — and what that post credit scene means for ...
There’s an American desire for Black people to lead the charge when it comes to effecting change, and now even a Black ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
He joined the Avengers, upon Captain America’s request, and later, the Thunderbolts. The team is not actually named after “Thunderbolt” Ross, but it was a nice coincidence anyway.
Brave New World” continues this trend, marking yet another generic and lackluster addition to the franchise that does nothing to stop the current streak of mediocrity plaguing the MCU. To put it ...