I think they're absolutely thrilled, and they can't wait to get married." Tom: "He's always held a candle for her, but it took him a whole year to do anything about it! I didn't know how they were ...
Tom Chambers, known for his role in the BBC's Father Brown, has expressed warm sentiments about his 'incredible' co-star as the beloved crime series makes its comeback on television. The actor ...
Tom Chambers, famed for his role as Chief Inspector ... role on stage as none other than Inspector Morse. The 47 year old actor will be leading the cast in Inspector Morse: House of Ghosts ...
Tom Chambers, known for his role as Chief Inspector ... Inspector Morse. The 47 year old actor will lead in the upcoming play Inspector Morse: House of Ghosts, which is scheduled to premiere ...
Tom Chambers sets millions of hearts aflutter on a weekly basis with his portrayal of registrar lady-killer Sam Strachan in BBC One's Holby City. His heartthrob status is only likely to increase ...