Thaddeus Ross wins the US presidency by the start of Captain America: Brave New World, and he may have been helped by the ...
The MCU has always delivered great spectacles. That was true in Captain America: Brave New World. But plenty of meaningless ...
The 'Brave New World' filmmaker also shares what he learned from test screenings, and honing the post-credits tag after the ...
The Red Hulk almost showed up much earlier, and was pegged as being the only Hulk that Marvel wanted to showcase.
Brave New World” continues this trend, marking yet another generic and lackluster addition to the franchise that does nothing to stop the current streak of mediocrity plaguing the MCU. To put it ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
After a series of duds, the superhero universe rebounds with a fast-paced adventure featuring strong work by Anthony Mackie ...
President Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford ... The meat-and-potatoes excitement and emotional satisfaction Marvel once practically had a trademark on is entirely absent. In its place, yawns.
SPOILER ALERT    Marvel is hit or miss with their movies nowadays, so it makes sense that audiences were not exactly eager to ...
Captain America: Brave New World sees Harrison Ford replace the late William Hurt as Thaddeus Ross, the newly elected President of the United States. Now, Marvel fans are discussing other MCU recasts ...