The introduction of a new 3D microelectrode configuration scheme with excellent performance and low cost into the C 4 D microfluidic chip enables the on-site determination of abundant soil ...
Field and laboratory techniques of soil analysis. A survey of soils and their management. Focuses on the role of soils in the environment; their physical, chemical and biological properties; processes ...
1). In some situations, high P soils contribute to eutrophication of surface waters; therefore, P management strategies that maintain both agricultural profitability and environmental quality are ...
Bremner, J. M., Methods of Soil Analysis, edit. by Black, C. A. (Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison) (in the press).
A timely presentation on soil analysis was given at the latest meeting of Fermanagh Grassland Club by Dr Suzanne Higgins, of AFBI.
The analysis of the chemical and physical properties of soils and sediments is instrumental to our research in glaciated and non-glaciated catchments as well as in terrestrial environments from ...