With so much snow in parts of Ontario this year, it may be some time before rural mailboxes are free of snow. But some ...
Rural delivery always has been a challenge for ... “USPS identified safety concerns with the request for a mailbox placement on Hillman Ridge Road.” In early December, after driving his ...
Lorna Atwater, a rural mail carrier from Berea, Kentucky, was driving her seventy-five-mile route through the Eastern Kentucky foothills when she noticed the woods behind a customer’s house were on ...
Anyone who has an old or damaged rural mailbox, or one supported by an illegal structure, now is a good time to repair or replace it before the ground freezes, according to the Minnesota ...
Most Indiana counties have assigned emergency 911 addresses. The address should be boldly displayed in 3-inch reflective numerals on both sides of rural mailboxes. Standard mailbox-post signs can be ...