When two massive gamma-powered beings like the original Hulk and Red ... In the comics, the Red Hulk is a villain, plain and ...
Red Hulk does not suffer from the same ailments, especially due to the nature of his creation (more on that ... It's publicly known that the original green guy gets stronger the angrier he gets ...
You read that right, Bruce Banner, the original Hulk, could become the next Red Hulk. You see, in the comics, Bruce has another Hulk variant in his psyche called Joe Fixit, who’s grey instead of ...
"Captain America: Brave New World" revolves around a conspiracy against President Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (Harrison Ford) which forces him to transform into the Red Hulk by the end of the film.
From Red Hulk's original fate to Samuel Sterns' masterplan and cut costumed heroes, you can find out more by clicking the "Next"/"View List" buttons below. Set photos confirmed that Captain ...